Dear Colleagues !
On June, 30, 2015 a new Edition of the scientific Journal L'Association 1901 «SEPIKE» will be published. Journal is registered in Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ( and USA Library of Congress SCI 1.15 ( as a high-ranked edition in economics and pedagogy.
It is indexed by CiteFactor, ResearchBible and IndexCopernicus (,p24780723,3.html) ICV 5.15.
We invite you to publish the results of scientific research (articles) in rubrics:
- Actual issues of macro- and micro-economics;
- Actual issues in modern pedagogy.
Languages for publications: English, German or French (!)
Deadline for sending materials: June, 05, 2015 (Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.)
Fee for the publishing is 30 EURO.