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University International Strategy*

7.7 The University develops international cooperation, concludes cooperation agreements, establishes direct relations with the higher education institution, foreign research institutions, and enterprises, international organizations, foundations, etc., respectively to the Ukrainian law.

7.8 The main directions and components of the system of international cooperation:
  1) Taking part in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs between countries and
universities for students, pedagogical and scientific workers.
  2) Organizing joint scientific research.
  3) Engaging educational, scientific, pedagogical and scientific workers of foreign higher
education institutions to participate in educational, scientific, educational and scientific
activities at the university.
  4) Organizing international conferences, congresses, and other events.
  5) Participating in international educational and scientific programs.
  6) Conducting joint research, publishing activity.
  7) Providing services for allowing getting higher education and scientific degrees by foreign
Citizens in Ukraine.
  8) Organizing official visits abroad for academic and non-academic staff, in accordance with international agreements, as well as agreements concluded between the University and foreign partners.
  9) Realization of foreign economic activity, provided by the Law of Ukraine.
  10) Information support of international cooperation.
  11) Creating optimal conditions for academic mobility for teachers and students.
  12) Other areas and forms not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.

7.9 Organizing international activity of the University, directed at the connection the best achievements of the national high school with progressive foreign experience.


* An excerption from University Statute.



9, Pyrogova st.
01601, Kyiv
Reception Phone: 
(+38 044) 234-11-08

Admission for foreigners

Address: Room 243 (Foreign students department),
9, Pyrogova st., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Monday-Friday, 9.00-13.00, 14.00-17.00
Tel.: (+38 044) 239-30-86