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Globalization is the key development tendency of information-based society. As higher education undergoes drastic changes when integrated into global processes, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University created International Cooperation and European Integration Office. Its task is further development and update of scientific, teaching and innovational activities the institution partakes in internationally.

Here are some of the recent international projects, the university took part in:

Name of project: “Development of the Culture of Democracy in Pedagogical Education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine”
Coordinator: The University College of Southeast Norway (USN)
Project duration: 2018-2021
Reference number: CPEA-LT-2017/10037
Project description: The aim is to improve the quality of pedagogical education in Ukraine, Norway, and Palestine through the development of a democratic culture in teaching. The project provides the best practice analysis of implementing a democratic culture in education and development of curricula, study programs and courses for the upgrading teachers of the high and primary school.

Name of project: “Support of Study Programmes Development, Quality Management and International Mobility on Selected Universities in Ukraine”
Coordinator: Palacký University Olomouc (UP)
Project duration: 2018
Project description: The aim is to assist Ukrainian Universities with transformation with study programmes and creation of study plans according to Bologna declaration, supporting the development of University quality management, and furthermore improvement of Ukrainian students’ international exchange.

Name of project: “Social Cohesion in Education and Governance: European Studies”
Coordinator: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Project duration:1/09/2017-31/08/2020
Project description: Elaboration of new courses in the field of the European social cohesion studies, including the development of methodology and research techniques and teaching of a theoretical and practical material; conducting of inter-university training; elaboration of improvement of professional skill program for leaders of civil society and heads of public administrations.

Name of project: “Eastern Partnership in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education”

Coordinator: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Reference number: TEMPUS N530417-Tempus-1-2-12-1DE

Project description: The aim is to create educational and methodological framework for the development and introduction of new courses 9 of pedagogical innovations in inclusive education, and further improve and support their functioning in universities.

Name of project: “Structure and evolution of complex systems with applications in physics and life sciences”

Coordinator: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (Poland);

Reference number: FP7-People-2013-IRSES

Project description: The aim of the project is to make a major step-change in developing novel effective tools for studying complex systems based on stochastic geometry and stochastic evolution methods, on appropriate methods of analysis and combinatorics, as well as on numerical methods and computer simulations. The network we are going to create will unite efforts of leading specialists in this area towards scientific excellence, will establish new and strengthen existing long-term collaboration links between them, and will train a new generation of young researchers in this multidisciplinary area.

Name of project: Initial and Further Education and Training for Educationalists and Managers in Education in the field of Diversity

Coordinator: Stiftung Universität Hildesheim

Reference number: 543873-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR

Project description: The aim of this project is the qualification of pedagogues and education managers in a consecutive higher and further education system, for the constructive handling of diversity in educational institutions and organisations. Target Groups in education are BA and MA students in such subjects as teaching, pedagogy and social pedagogy as well as PhD students. In further education they are teachers, education managers, agency representatives (commune, town, social security, migration services etc.). Beneficiaries of these measures are children and adolescents with special needs, their parents, University, heterogeneous organisations/ corporations, social agencies and migrant services, communal agencies.


International Cooperation and European Integration Office

Please address any of the given contacts below, should you have any queries about international students and teachers exchange, taking part in international programs, partnership between universities, visas, insurance and accomodations in Ukraine during your stay.

Contacts: tel. +38-044-234-37-55

Fax: +38-044-234-37-60

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The staff:

Tetiana Matusevych, Head of the Office

f tvm


Glib Lazarenko, specialist

f gsl





9, Pyrogova st.
01601, Kyiv
Reception Phone: 
(+38 044) 234-11-08

Admission for foreigners

Address: Room 243 (Foreign students department),
9, Pyrogova st., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Monday-Friday, 9.00-13.00, 14.00-17.00
Tel.: (+38 044) 239-30-86