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Please contact International Students Office  for any questions about admission of  foreigners.


Liliia Bunhea, Head of International Students Office

tel.:(+38 044) 235-09-38

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                               30184444 585570551794119 373404094 n



Sector of registration for international students.

tel: (+38 044) 235-95-30

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tetiana Hubar

                              30179818 585567311794443 1079176239 n

Olena Zaitseva

                              30180292 585572421793932 1464251668 n


Sector of nostrification, legalization and issuing for documents of education.

tel: (+38 044) 239-30-86

e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maryna Obraztsova

                           Photo MO

Kateryna Hrabar





Extract from Admission Rules for                        

State Higher Educational Institution                  

To National Pedagogical DragomanovUniversity


1/ Admission to the University  and education (training)of foreigners and persons without citizenship (stateless persons) is executed according to Laws of Ukraine “About Higher Education”,  “About Legal Status of Foreigners and Persons Without Citizenship”, “About Foreign Ukrainians”, "About refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection", Decrees of President of Ukraine since 03.06.1994, №271 «About Means of Development of Economy Cooperation Development of Ukrainian Regions with Neighbouring Border Regions of Republic of Belarus and Administrative and Territorial Units of Republic of Moldova»; Enactments of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine since February, 26th, 1993, №136  «About Education of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine»; since September, 11th, 2013, №684 “Some Issues of Education Admission for Foreign Students and Persons Without Citizenship”; Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine since November, 1st, 2013, №1541 «Some Issues of Organization of Enrolling and Education (training) of Foreigners and Persons Without Citizenship», registrated at Ministry of Justice since November, 25th, 2013, №2004/24536.

2/ Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter - foreigners) can get higher education at the expense of individuals and / or entities, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or agreements between the universities of international academic mobility.Foreigners who receive state scholarships by international agreements, National programs, other international obligations of Ukraine are accepted for study in the frame of established quotas of admission for Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine on grounds of directions of Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

3/ Foreigners, who come to Ukraine for the purpose of studying, join National Pedagogical Dragomanov University under accredited educational programs (specialties). Admission of foreigners to study for the funds of individuals and / or legal entities may be carried out by the National PedagogicalDragomanovUniversity:

  • twice a year, before and at the beginning of academic semesters (but not later than on November 1 and March 1, respectively), for obtaining a bachelor's degree, a master's degree;
  • during the year for postgraduate studies, doctoral studies.

University calculates a score / assessments of applicants on the basis of the document on the previous acquired level of education. In order to enter the studies on the basis of complete general secondary education above the specified category of persons, the value of the number of points / marks from the general subjects specified in Appendix 4 of these Rules, from which the entrance examination must be more than 0.Enrollment foreigners to study at an appropriate level of higher education carried out by the results of entrance examinations (interview) on certain subjects and language training and on the basis of academic rights to continue studies provided a document of acquired education in the country of origin, and taking into account the points of success that are entitled to continue education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the laws of the country which issued the document about the obtained degree (level) education.

4/ All categories of foreigners enrolled in training are credited to the university on the basis of enrollment orders that are formed in The general state electronic educational base.

5/ The requirements of the University regarding the correspondence of the enrollee foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying, the conditions for admission to the corresponding levels of higher education, as well as the terms for accepting applications and documents, conducting entrance examinations, creative competitions and enrollment are indicated in these Rules of Admission and are published on the official website of the University.

6/ Foreigners who get state scholarships for international agreements, national programs and other international obligations of Ukraine are accepted to study within the established quotas for foreigners under the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

7/  Foreigners who come to Ukraine for participation in the programs of academic mobility or for higher education agreed on between NPDU and foreign universities curricula accepted to study for the appropriate contractual obligations of the university.

8/  Foreign Ukrainian who legally reside in Ukraine and whose status is certified by a certificate of foreign Ukrainian, when applying to the NPDU, have the same rights to education as the citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent of which is binding on the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is certified by a certificate of foreign Ukrainian, can be enrolled for studying on state orders within the established quotas for foreigners on interviewing the subjects provided for by these Rules of admission.

9/ The deadlines for accepting applications and documents, conducting introductory tests, creative competitions, interviewing and publishing an order for enrollment for all categories of foreigners and stateless persons for a higher education degree are held in the following terms:

Stages of the admission

Daytime, part-time (for visa-free countries)

Beginning of acceptance of applications and documents

June 18

Completion of acceptance of applications and documents

October 26 (until 6 pm)

Conducting entrance examinations and interviews

June 19 toOctober 30

Publication of the list of entrants

no later than the next day of the last entrance exam (interview)

Publication of an enrollment order

no later than three days after the publication of the rating list, but not later than on November 1

10/ For Admission Foreigners and stateless persons present for Admission Commission the following documents:

N.B. Documents indicated in subparagraphs 2 - 5 must be translated in Ukrainian with notarial testifying of translation;

Documents indicated in subparagraphs 2 - 4 must be testified in country of their issue, in the way, which is used in this country for such testifying, and legalized by appropriate foreign establishment of Ukraine, if other is not foreseen of international agreements of Ukraine.

1) The application form;

2) Document (original and copy) about early received educational (educational and qualification) level, on the base of which the admission is executed;

3) Addition (Diploma Education Supplement) (original and copy) to the document about early received educational (educational and qualification) level, which contains information on its success in academic disciplines, received credits, term of study and progress of educational disciplines at admission on the base of which the admission is executed (at presence);

4)Medical health certificate certified by an official health authority from which a foreigner arrived and issued no later than two months before departure to study in Ukraine;

5) Copy of passport document of foreigner or document, that confirms person without citizenship;

6) Police of Medical Insurance, if other one is not foreseen by international agreements of Ukraine;

7) 6 photos, size 30 *40 mm on matte paper; and 6 photos size 35 *45 mm on matte paper;

8) a copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (if have)

9) a return ticket with an open date of return to the home country for a term of up to one year (or a contract of voluntary insurance of liability for reimbursement of expenses related to the execution of a decision to expel outside Ukraine).

11/ For the competitive selection of foreigners and stateless persons who have acquired the educational qualification of a junior specialist, for obtaining the degree (educational qualification level) of the bachelor for the second (third) year or for the first year (with a shorter term of study) the average mark of the appendix to the diploma is used. The educational qualification level of a junior specialist by adding to the results of the entrance examination from the language of instruction and the admission professional examination (professional tests) from the competitive subjects that are evaluated on a scale from 100 to 200 points. Foreigners and stateless persons can enter the university for a second year to obtain a bachelor's degree on the basis of the educational qualification level of a junior specialist trained in another specialty. An entry rank is in this case the sum of the average score for the junior specialist application appendix, the entrance exam in the language of instruction and the average arithmetic marks for the professional test and the additional introductory test, which are assessed on a scale from 100 to 200 points. At the same time, depending on the level of correspondence of the educational programs, the faculty (institute) may establish additional requirements for such a category of persons in terms of the implementation of the supplementary individual curriculum during the first year of study. Foreigners and stateless persons entering on the basis of the educational qualification of a junior specialist for a bachelor's degree for the first year (with a shorter term of study) or for a second year (with a normative term of study), which were entered on the entrance specialty test (additional introductory test) less than 100 points, they are not allowed to participate in the competitive selection to the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

12/ For the competitive selection of foreigners and stateless persons who have obtained a degree (educational qualification level) of a bachelor, a master's degree, an educational qualification level of a specialist, for obtaining a bachelor's degree in another specialty (specialization, field of training) within the limits of vacant places of the licensed volume the average amount an appendix to the document on the previously acquired degree (educational qualification level), an entrance test from the language of instruction at the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and a professional entrance examination and additional entrance tests. At the same time, depending on the level of correspondence of the educational programs, the faculty (institute) may establish additional requirements for such a category of persons in terms of the implementation of the supplementary individual curriculum during the first year of study.

13/ For the competitive selection of foreigners and stateless persons who have at least one year of undergraduate degree and complete the curriculum, a bachelor's degree in another specialty (direction of preparation) for a second year by another form of study within the limits of vacant places of licensed volume is used to obtain a bachelor's degree the amount of the average score in the appendix of the document on the previously obtained degree (educational-qualification level), entrance examination from the language of instruction at the NPDU. At the same time, depending on the level of correspondence of the educational programs, the faculty (institute) may establish additional requirements for such a category of persons in terms of the implementation of the supplementary individual curriculum during the first year of study.

14/ For the competitive selection of foreigners and stateless persons who, on the basis of a bachelor's degree (a master's degree, an educational qualification level of a specialist) enroll for studying for a master's degree in a specialty (educational programs) in accordance with Annex 1, are enrolled: entrance examinations from the language of instruction at the NPDU; entrance exam; additional entrance exam (for those who want to obtain a master's degree on the basis of a bachelor's degree gained in another specialty). Entrance tests are evaluated according to the stoical scale (from 100 to 200 points). To the sum of the points obtained during the entrance examinations, an average score (with a score of ten) of the examination marks from the appendix to the diploma of the acquired educational qualification level (degree) is appended. The rating point of foreigners and stateless persons who, on the basis of a bachelor's degree (a master's degree, an educational qualification level of a specialist) enroll for studying for a master's degree, is the sum of the assessment from the entrance examination from the language of instruction at the NPDU, the assessment from the entrance exam, the average score of the appendix to the diploma of the obtained higher education. The rating point of foreigners and stateless persons who, on the basis of a bachelor's degree (a master's degree, an educational qualification level of a specialist), enroll for studies in order to obtain a master's degree obtained in another specialty (direction), is the sum of the assessment from the entrance examination from the language of instruction at the NPDU, the average score for the appendix to the diploma on the obtained higher education and the average arithmetic marks for the professional examination and additional entrance examination. Foreigners and stateless persons entering the master's degree, who have scored at the entrance exam less than 100 points, are not allowed to participate in the competitive selection to the NPDU.

15/ Competitive enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons to the University is carried out in a separate competition on each specialty (educational program) and degree on the basis of their competition score (foreign Ukrainians). The rating list of foreigners and stateless persons arranges from the bigger to the lower value of the competition score.

16/ Persons who, for no valid reasons, did not appear at the entrance examinations in a timetable determined by the schedule, those whose knowledge was assessed at points below the minimum level established by this appendix, as well as persons who took documents after the date of the completion of the acceptance of documents, to participate in the following introductory tests and competitive selection are not allowed. Reassembly of entrance examinations is not allowed.

17/ Appeals against the results of entrance examinations conducted by NPDU are considered by the Appeals Committee of NPDU, the composition and procedure of which are approved by the order of the rector.


In order to enter Ukraine for the purpose of studying foreign citizens need a "D" type visa that is issued on the basis of an invitation letterfrom the University (visa type "D" is not required for citizens of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan )

Invitation for study

List of documents

  • Consent to the collection and processing of personal data (can get by e-mail when apply);
  • Application form for receiving an invitation (can get by e-mail when apply);
  • A copy of the passport (the first page must be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a Notary Public);
  • a copy of a previous education document with a translation into Ukrainian; a copy of an appendix to the previous education document with marks (points) translated into Ukrainian;
  • an authorization letter to receive an invitation if you can't take it personally, legalized in the country of your citizenship translated into English/Ukrainian.

Scanned copies of documents should be sent to the e-mail of the Foreign students  Department: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in JPEG format.



FOR Preparatory Level
1. Questionnaire
2. The application form to the Rector of the University
3. Original education documents and a copy of the document and annex (appendix)
of full Secondary Education with a translation into Ukrainian certified by a Notary
Public and legalization or Apostille.
4. international passport or other document certifying a stateless person with a D-
type visa (04/12) for countries with visa entry and its translation into the Ukrainian
(page with personal data), certified by the seal of the Translation Agency and
certified by a Notary Public (two copies)
5. Medical certificate form 086-y or a health certificate certified by an official
health authority of the country of an applicant issued no earlier than two months
before a foreigner comes for study to Ukraine. A document should contain
fluorographic examination results.
6. Medical insurance policy
7. Photographs in the size of 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm on matte paper - 6 pcs .; and 3cm x
4cm on matte paper -6 pc.
8. Invitation for study (original)
FOR Bachelor Degree
1. Questionnaire
2. The application form to the Rector of the University
3. Original education documents and a copy of the document and annex (appendix)
of full Secondary Education with a translation into Ukrainian certified by a Notary
Public and legalization or Apostille.
4. international passport or other document certifying a stateless person with a D-
type visa (04/12) for countries with visa entry and its translation into the Ukrainian
(page with personal data), certified by the seal of the Translation Agency and
certified by a Notary Public (two copies)
5. Certificate of completion of Preparatory Department
6. Medical certificate form 086-y or a health certificate certified by an official
health authority of the country of an applicant issued no earlier than two months
before a foreigner comes for study to Ukraine. A document should contain
fluorographic examination results.
7. Copy of temporary residence permit in Ukraine (for foreigners residing in
8. Medical insurance policy

9. Photographs in the size of 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm on matte paper - 6 pcs .; and 3cm x
4cm on matte paper -6 pc.
10. Invitation for study (original).

FOR Master Degree
1. Questionnaire
2. The application form to the Rector of the University
3. Original and a copy of the Bachelor's Degree Diploma and an Appendix to it
with a translation into Ukrainian certified by a Notary Public and legalization or
Apostille (if issued in another country).
4. International passport or other document certifying a stateless person with a D-
type visa (04/12) for countries with visa entry and its translation into the Ukrainian
(page with personal data), certified by the seal of the Translation Agency and
certified by a Notary Public (two copies)
5. Certificate of completion of Preparatory Department
6. Medical certificate form 086-y or a health certificate certified by an official
health authority of the country of an applicant issued no earlier than two months
before a foreigner comes for study to Ukraine. A document should contain
fluorographic examination results.
7. Copy of temporary residence permit in Ukraine (for foreigners residing in
8. Medical insurance policy
9. Photographs in the size of 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm on matte paper - 6 pcs .; and 3 cm x 4
cm on matte paper-6 pc.
10. Secondary school certificate
10. Invitation for study (original).
All documents issued in foreign countries should have notarized translation into
the Ukrainian.

The procedure of legalization and an Apostille placement

Education and medical documents issued abroad must be certified and legalized according to the established order, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine. Citizens of the countries-parties to the Convention who relinquish the requirement to legalize foreign official documents (The Hague, 1961) with the apostille on them are released from the legalization of these documents. Legal documents and documents issued in the countries participating in the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters (Minsk, 1993) do not require legalization and apostille.




Basic Functions of the Office

International Students Office is subordinated  to the Vice-rector for international relations.

International Students Office carries out following functions:

Sector for registration and accounting of foreign students

1.1. Prepares and submits to the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Kyiv the documents necessary for registration and stay in Ukraine of foreign students, and cancellation of the temporary residence permit in Ukraine after deduction of a foreign student, registration and take the student off the register;

1.2. Organizes and controls the registration of a foreign student in a hostel and removal from registration of a place of residence after deduction.

1.3. Make invitations to study;

1.4. Convey to foreign students current normative documents regulating the study of foreign citizens in Ukraine.

Sector on issues of nostrification(recognition), legalization and issuance of education documents

2.1. Will be responsible for ordering, registering, issuing and issuance of diplomas for foreign graduate students.

2.2. Prepares and submits the necessary documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for the implementation of the procedure for legalization of graduates of the University.

2.3. Prepares the necessary documents for the State-Owned company Informational and Image Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to carry out the procedure for the recognition (nostrification) of educational documents on the foreign citizens.

2.4. Admission to study foreign citizens, examination of documents submitted by foreign citizens upon admission and enrollment in the university in accordance with the current legislation and the Rules of admission to study at the National Pedagogical DragomanovUniversity, signing of agreements on the provision of educational services;

2.5. Forms personal fileі of foreign students and, after deduction, passes to the university archive.





9, Pyrogova st.
01601, Kyiv
Reception Phone: 
(+38 044) 234-11-08

Admission for foreigners

Address: Room 243 (Foreign students department),
9, Pyrogova st., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Monday-Friday, 9.00-13.00, 14.00-17.00
Tel.: (+38 044) 239-30-86